
Matt Schaus


Matt has been working in educational publishing since 2012. He has written content for a variety of projects and disciplines, but his primary focus has been assessment authoring for business products. One of his passions is helping people stay positive and motivated, which he applies to his work in Human Resources.

Matt lives just north of beautiful Madison, Wisconsin, with his wife and son and their two toy poodles. He’s a big fan of the Brewers, Packers, Badgers, and Bucks (in that order). He enjoys spending time with friends and family, craft beer (tasting and brewing), reading (especially Stephen King), and watching movies.



If I weren’t a writer/editor I would be: a brewmaster.

My morning routine is: walking/running, coffee, breakfast, and work (and making sure my son is up for school).

I most admire: anyone able to retire early and people who make others laugh.

My superpower is: dad jokes.