


Marketing and branding are in Alisa’s DNA. She has been helping companies develop powerful brand identities using unique and compelling storytelling for more than 25 years.

Her wide-spanning expertise includes all aspects of strategic brand development, including copywriting, in-depth strategic planning, brand positioning, brand creation and naming, and brand/project management.

Alisa has worked for several top international branding agencies (Brandimage, Cornerstone Strategic Branding) and has been a key player on campaigns for Coca-Cola, IBM, Air France, Target, Godiva, and Brooks Brothers. As an independent consultant she’s developed brand identities for a range of both start-ups and well-known clients, such as L’Oréal, Kingsborough Community College, and the Alliance Française/French Institute (FIAF).

She’s proud to have served as editor and project manager on several internationally best-selling branding books, including Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People by Marc Gobé, Allworth, 2010.

Alisa lives in a beautiful, bustling Brooklyn neighborhood with her six-foot-tall teenage son and teacher-writer husband in a brownstone that belongs mostly to their two cats.

In her spare time, Alisa loves to obsess over the latest draft of her novel manuscript; venture into NYC to attend gallery openings, theater events, or concerts; and go for blissfully long walks in the woods to recharge. She also hosts one heck of a decadent dinner party.

If I weren’t a writer/editor I would be: Either a spy or an actor because make-believe shouldn’t just be for kids. Also, time traveler if it were an option.

My morning routine is: Oceans of coffee coupled with a brief period of profound existential questioning. (Why am I up so early? Why are any of us up? Where are my shoes?)

I most admire: People who are both crazy talented AND kind.

My superpower is: The gift of gab. My mom swears I came out of the womb ready to spin a yarn.